Join us Monday, November 30, 2020, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. EST, for a virtual celebration of the Journal of Interreligious Studies' new publication: Deep Understanding for Divisive Times: Essays Marking a Decade of the Journal of Interreligious Studies. Editors past and present, several of the book's contributors, and friends of the journal will lead a lively conversation about engaging interreligiously in a time of upheaval.

Panels will focus on Dialogue & Resistance and Interreligious Education in a Time of Pandemic followed by time for small group discussion.

Panelists Include: Paula Green, Jennifer Howe Peace, Celene Ibrahim, Luis Menéndez Antuña, Rachel Mikva, Lucinda Mosher, Or Rose, Irvin Scott, and Funlayo Wood.

Pre-Register for Zoom Link:

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